Get ready to meet your new obsession, courtesy of John Green. The bestselling author's latest novel, Turtles All the Way Down is getting the movie treatment, just like his other beloved books The Fault In Our Stars and Paper Towns. So yes, this is a BIG DEAL.

The author took to his vlogbrothers YouTube channel to talk about his past, very positive experiences with having TFIOS and PT adapted into movies with Fox and confirmed they're all working together again to create a movie version of Turtles. If you haven't read the book yet (and you totally should!) it tells the story of 16-year-old Aza, a girl who happens to have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and finds herself trying to solve a mystery about a missing person along with her friend, Daisy. John admitted in the video that he wasn't sure he would get a chance to make this book come to life because of the subject matter and while it's not 100% set in stone the movie will actually end up happening, he and the studios are in the process of attempting to bring this story to life.

john green

"I thought that was a good run because Paper Towns didn't make as much money and also I decided to write this extremely quiet novel that takes place almost entirely inside one person's head, which isn't the sort of thing that usually lends itself to film," John explained about the book to movie making process. "Today I get to announce, working with the same studio and production company that made The Fault In Our Stars and Paper Towns, we're going to give it a try. It doesn’t mean there will definitely be a movie, but it means that there might be one."

And we have a feeling that's a pretty big MIGHT, so we're thinking things are looking good. As John went on to joke about in his announcement vid, he has zero control over casting so whoever does end up snagging the role of Aza and all the other characters, he doesn't have any say in, although he is serving as one of the film's executive producers. But he said he was beyond thrilled and happy with the way the casting and movies turned out for his other two novels, so he is nothing but confident in working with Fox again. We can't wait to get more details about this project as it all comes together.

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