On Tuesday, it was revealed that Lady Gaga and her fiancé Taylor Kinney had split up after five years together. The same day she took to Instagram to open up about her relationship, stating Taylor is still her soulmate and they were “taking a break."
However, Taylor’s ex Brittany Sacket, who was left stunned when she caught Taylor cheating on her with Lady Gaga, has hinted to DailyMail Online that Taylor could have now cheated on Gaga!
“I am sad that it didn't work out for them but truthfully I'm not surprised. People that cheat and then don't come clean about it, but leave it for the other to find out don't hold honesty and open communication as a main value in their relationship," Brittany said.
“Taylor is weak-willed and disloyal, it wouldn't surprise me if he betrayed her too. He broke my heart because he was dishonest, I just hope he hasn't been dishonest with her as well," she continued.
"At his age it's challenging to change habits that are ingrained and how he functions in relationships. It's my belief that a leopard doesn't change its spots.”
Wow! We hope for Gaga’s sake that this isn’t true. Fingers crossed…
Do you think Taylor cheated on Gaga? Let us know in the comments below!
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