Peacock’s One of Us Is Lying has become one of the biggest shows on the streaming platform! The show, based on the book series of the same name by Karen M. McManus, premiered in October 2021 starring Annalisa Cochrane (Addy), Chibuikem Uche (Cooper), Marianly Tejada (Bronwyn), Cooper van Grootel (Nate), Melissa Collazo (Maeve) and Jessica McLeod (Janae). The show premiered its second season exactly a year later.
So, who is the cast dating IRL? Keep reading to uncover the dating lives behind the actors of One of Us Is Lying.
The Peacock series follows the Bayview Four, or Bronwyn, Addy, Nate, and Cooper, as suspects in the murder of Simon Kelleher. While trying to prove their innocence, each of the high school students has secrets that they would do anything to protect.
“It’s been surreal,” Karen said of bringing her book series to life in an interview with Underlined. “I remember arriving to the pilot shoot in Vancouver and seeing half a street shut down for production — sets being built, scenes being staged, cast and crew everywhere — and it struck me that all of these very talented people had come together on that particular day because I wrote a book.”
The best-selling author also spoke about the excitement she felt while watching the cast bond and interact with one another. “One of the best parts of this experience has been watching the cast bond with one another in a way that feels very similar to my characters,” she told the outlet.
“It’s a true ensemble — not only the main four plus Simon, but a whole Bayview High yearbook: Janae, Jake, Maeve, Keely, Vanessa, TJ, and Evan, along with all the other characters who make up the rest of the world. There are a few scenes that were pulled almost directly from the book, and those are especially fun for me to watch.”
While some of the cast members are off the dating market, most of the actors are single! Scroll through our gallery to uncover the dating lives of Peacock’s cast for One of Us Is Lying.
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