YouTube star Shane Dawson took to social media on Wednesday, February 19, and revealed the real reason he hasn’t been uploading new videos recently. The vlog star posted a screenshot of a negative comment about his weight from a viewer and explained to his 9.7 million Twitter followers that hate is the one major factor pushing him away from posting more frequently on YouTube.
“Hey Shane why don’t u post more? Why don’t u upload more? Well… this,” the 31-year-old said referring to the hate comment. “You would think after 13 years on YouTube comments wouldn’t get to me but d**n… they still feel like the very first time.”
Upset over the hate that Shane received, fans immediately came to his defense.
“People are also cruel and will take every small insecurity they see and blow it up just to make themselves feel better. You work hard and you know it,” one fan wrote back to the internet star. Another added, “Please don’t let those comments get to you. You’re truly beautiful, inside and out. We love you no matter what! The video was great too! Don’t let anyone steal your shine ever!”
Fellow YouTuber Yousef Erakat also responded to Shane’s tweet and shared his own experience with negative comments.
“Go read my comments. They make me want to not exist. I wish mine were as loving as even that one. With that being said, you look great and as long as you’re happy, to hell with that opinion,” he wrote.
After an influx of positive replies, Shane thanked his Twitter followers and announced his “break from the internet.”
“Thanks for the nice tweets. I appreciate it a lot. Sorry I got sensitive and posted that,” he said. “I usually just ignore stuff but I’m just in a weird headspace lately. I think I’m gonna take a break from the internet for a bit. Thanks for being supportive and having my back.”
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