The drama continues. Just weeks after Tana Mongeau revealed that her boyfriend (err, ex-boyfriend), Brad Sousa, had cheated on her, the YouTube star has threatened to expose him once again.

It all started when Keemstar, owner of the YouTube channel Drama Alert, tweeted that he was setting up an interview with the Justin Bieber look-alike. And Tana was not pleased.

“Funny last week one of his friends was telling me how he wanted to go to you and tell a bunch of lies,” she wrote. “Can’t wait to debunk half this s–t with straight facts.”

Tana Mongeau Tweets

“Sad to see you support such a bad person, liar, cheater, etc. who does everything for clout,” she continued. “To see him use you as a chess piece to get what he wants even further is so heartbreaking to me.”

Tana Mongeau Tweets

“But I guess I’ve tried to be as nice as I can and held a lot of s–t back,” the blonde beauty added. “If he’s going to try to make some weird clout move and lie to you I guess ALL of the truth will have to come out…. and it won’t be pretty. Was really hoping all this could be over.”

Tana Mongeau Tweets

“You already know I reported that Brad cheated on you. But many other YouTubers reached out to me asking me to speak with Brad,” Keemstar fired back. “I finally got around to it and I think it’s fair to get his side of events too.

As fans know, the 20-year-old revealed that Brad had cheated on her in a YouTube video back in April.

“A lot of crazy s–t happened at Coachella, and during it all I wound up finding out a lot of really f–ked up stuff,” Tana revealed. “I woke up the next day expecting to have, like, a private breakup, and I get online to a bunch of screenshots of girls saying and showing a lot of stuff — some of it fake, some of it not — going really viral about Brad.”

And in a video of his own, Brad confirmed the allegations.

“What happened in her video is true,” he said. “There was a little bit of over-exaggeration to some of it, but what she was going through and what I have done, I mean, I don’t blame her for speaking her mind and her truth and her heart.”

Although he claimed that he never physically cheated on her, the social media star admitted to sending inappropriate messages to other girls.

“I did Snapchat a few girls from back home and they did send me nudes and I replied,” he continued. “I was drunk, stupid, didn’t realize what was going on. Regardless, I’m an idiot and every single day I wish I could just take back what I did because I really regret answering these stupid, pointless people that gave me absolutely zero percent of what Tana did.”

Soon after their split, Tana started dating fellow YouTuber Jake Paul — who Brad says he wants to fight. Yeah, the drama seriously never ends.

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