The web series Guilty Party tells the all-too-familiar tale of a high school girl who’s bullied by her classmates. But this girl’s no victim. She takes control of the situation and starts plotting her revenge. Tiffany Alvord‘s “Karma” is the ultimate companion to the show. The music video is dark, dramatic, and full of suspense. Follow Tiffany as she run through the locker room, encountering more and more of her angry classmates. Guilty Party stars some of your favorite Youtubers like Teala Dunn and Kian Lawley. The video even features the rest of the cast, including Manolo Vergara and Miles McKenna. Watch it all go down in the video below.
Finally, Tiffany finds a room full of pages from her diary. The stolen notes were put there by her former friends, but which one? They’re covering the walls and floors, surrounding her. At first, she’s hurt and confused, but this isn’t over. She gets up, ready to fight back. The lyrics say “I was so caught up, but I’m over it now.” If karma doesn’t get them, Tiffany sure will. She walks into a blinding white light that will leave you wondering what’s next.
Luckily, you can get all the answers. Guilty Party is a new kind of web series where the story is told through vlogs and weekly episodes. You get an inside look at each character’s life, but also a huge plot. It’s like following your fave daily vloggers except the drama is much more believable.
Guilty Party premiered on August 29, 2017 on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Plus, the show will premiere on DIRECTV NOW later this year. The series is a part of AT&T Hello Lab, a collection of original entertainment created by, for, and with Millennial and Gen Z audiences.
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