Imagine being told that you’ve been celebrating your birthday on the wrong day for your entire life? Well, that’s exactly what happened to Vlog Squad member Scotty Sire on Wednesday, April 1 — his 28th birthday.

The YouTuber took to Twitter and posted a screenshot of a text message from his mom who informed him that he was actually born on March 31, 1992, instead of April 1, 1992. She claimed that the only reason they celebrated on the first was because, “it was easier to get the entire family over because it landed on a Saturday.”

“My whole life is a f**king lie!” Scotty captioned the screenshot.

Vlog Squad Member Scotty Sire’s Mom Pulls The Ultimate April Fools Day Prank

Hours later, the internet star updated his 1.8 million followers and let them know that his mom had pulled the ultimate prank and, yes, his birthday actually is on April 1.

“Ok, I still have the same birthday as Logan Paul we are good,” he captioned a second screenshot, that showed his mom saying it was just a joke.

Vlog Squad Member Scotty Sire’s Mom Pulls The Ultimate April Fools Day Prank

As fans know, Scotty wasn’t the only social media influencer who took part in April Fool’s Day prank. JC Caylen pulled a practical jokes on his fans and one actually fell for the entire thing!

It all started when The Reality House star took to Instagram Stories and claimed that he was selling his merch at a super low price. One of his followers immediately tried to take advantage of the 80 percent off sale before he revealed that it was all an elaborate prank.

“OMG 80 PERCENT OFF I NEED THE BLACK HOODIE,” the fan posted on Twitter. Then added, “DID HE JUST APRIL FOOL’S ME? I’M MAD.”

Upon seeing the series of tweets, JC DMed his follower and said he would send the hoodie because he felt bad. How sweet!

It didn’t end there. The fan told him that he “really didn’t have to” send her the merch, to which JC said, “I’m NOT LOL APRIL FOOL’S.”

Ultimately, being the good guy that he is, JC got the fan’s confirmation number and sent out the sweatshirt. All’s well that end’s well!

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