The drama between Katy Perry and Taylor Swift is getting old. So old.
That does not stop the rumors about them from popping up, and now there is a new one that involves the 1989 singer's good friend Ed Sheeran. According to OK! Magazine, Ed's new friendship with the "Chained to the Rhythm" singer is causing a bit of strife between him and his friend Taylor.
The magazine is claiming that the singer has been away from the public eye because she is “losing all her friends” and that Ed's “relationship with ‘enemy’ Katy Perry” has left Taylor super upset. “Swift has been MIA” because so many of her squad members have turned their back on her and the last one to do so is the "Shape Of You" singer and he is also “biting the dust.”
A source told the magazine that Taylor is "furious" and is going to tell off her friend when they see each other because “Sheeran has defected and is buddying up” with Katy.
Katy and Ed were photographed together when he crashed her BBC Radio 1 interview with Nick Grimshaw back in February when she was promoting the lead single for her upcoming fourth album. The two chatted up on the radio and this is why the rumors about their budding friendship started circulating.
Ed is no stranger to being caught in the middle of a war zone, but he knows exactly how to maneuver these sort of situations. He has been able to manage to stay good friends with both Taylor and her ex-boyfriend Harry Styles without drifting apart from either one of them.
And despite this latest rumor, a source told Gossip Cop that he and Taylor remain “good friends.”
Perhaps Ed can be the one to bridge the gap between Taylor and Katy and this bad blood between them can be part of the past for good because seriously, this whole drama between them is so 2015.
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