J-14.com is the #1 online destination for teen entertainment news, interviews, videos, polls, quizzes, fan fiction — and more!
And the reason we're able to stay that way is thanks to all of you interacting with us by commenting on our posts and videos, writing your own fan fiction and questions, and voting in all our polls.
To keep the site going strong, we just wanted to remind you that when you signed up for J-14.com, you agreed to these rules below. In case you haven't looked at them in a while, just read them through and make sure anything you contribute sticks to the rules. Anything that violates them will be deleted.
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Welcome to J-14.com — your #1 place to sound off with fellow J-14ers about your favorite stars on our message boards, create polls about any topic in our Polls section, write your own quizzes to send to all your friends in Quizzes, and write up your dream stories in Fan Fiction.
We want to make sure everyone's voice gets heard — and that you all have a fun and safe place to share all your thoughts and creativity, so check out the following rules that apply across J14.com. As long as you abide by these rules, feel free to post away.
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No Inappropriate Situations! Remember, J-14 is your #1 source for teen news, so all posts must be appropriate for a teen and tween audience. That means in addition to no bad words, all situations are clean and suitable for a PG audience.
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Thank you for following these important guidelines – they apply across all of J-14.com and are meant to make the site the best for all of its users. Rules may change according to what the site's moderators think is best. If you think another member's posts are inappropriate, please utilize the "flag" option. And have fun posting!
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