Logan Paul got plenty of backlash from the Internet over his video that featured the dead body of a person who had recently taken their own life in Japan’s Aokigahara forest. Now a fellow YouTuber and Japanese citizen, Reina Scully, posted her thoughts in a reaction video on her own channel. First and foremost she wanted to make sure her followers know that the Japanese people don't think differently of foreigners just because Logan made this video. She made a point to say that her country knows there are outliers when it comes to people and how different individuals think.
However, Reina also went on to say that the whole thing was disturbing because this forest is NOT a tourist attraction. It is actually something considered to be very sinful in Japan. She said it is not a place that should be glorified on YouTube – which is what it seems like Logan was doing in his video. She also said that not only was Logan's video incomprehensibly insensitive but feels that he also thinks of Japanese people as "caricatures" after watching some of his other vlogs while he was visiting the country.
She said, "As a Japanese national citizen who grew up in the U.S. with a green card, there were a lot of times where I was treated as though I was really tiny and I was a child. It’s definitely because I’m foreign…It’s definitely alarming in the worst of ways, and after watching some clips of Logan Paul’s other blogs in Japan…there’s a sliver of what I used to experience of how people used to talk down to me because I was foreign."
But, this isn't the only reason we're writing this. The mere fact that she responded to Logan's video isn't why we are bringing her reaction to the forefront. The reason for this story is about Logan's fans who have actually sent Reina threats and virtually attacked her after she shared her opinion on the matter. The remarks are actually horrific and it's frightening to know that some people out there are defending Logan and his decision to film, edit and produce this content. Even Logan himself said we shouldn't be defending his actions in his apology video. So why are there still people doing so? It's baffling, honestly. And it's incredibly sad to see what some people had to say to Reina. We've compiled a few of the comments she received that crossed the line but refrained from giving other commenters who posted even more disgusting words the spotlight they craved.
Reina posted a tweet of a couple responses she got. One of them reads, "You b-tch you don't have the right to talk about him, you f–king peaces of sh-t you are just using his name for clickbait f–k you b-tch."
Another reads, "I don't even know how to comment and keep it clean. Your cry baby rant…All about you. Your country judges all Americans know because of one. So much wrong with this video. You got a bigger reaction than Logan did out of me." Wow. This is really just sickening. Not only is Reina allowed to speak about anything she wants, but she also is giving us a first hand account of someone who is a citizen of the country that Logan was in when he created the disturbing video. It's a first hand account that we need right now. It's the first-hand account that Logan needs right now and all of the other YouTubers who are possibly thinking of how they can potentially cross the line with their next video. We give props to Reina for sharing her story and her opinions. It seems like the LoGang needs to cool their jets.
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