Miles Teller is playing a boxer named Vinny "The Pazmanian Devil" Pazienza in the movie Bleed for This, which focuses on his life after a near-fatal car accident leaves him with a broken neck and severe injuries that he is told he would not recover from. The actor is now revealing that he was personally inspired to play this role by his own terrifying car accident and how it affected his career.
“Usually there’s something in a movie you can relate to from a pretty honest place. For me, I got ejected from a car that was going 80 miles an hour that flipped eight times when I was 20 years old, and the EMT told me 99.9 percent of the time the car rolls over, you get paralyzed, so I was very fortunate…I was 50 feet away from the car; the cops saw me covered in blood and thought I was dead.”
“I can relate to a bit of the darkness, the introspection and hearing those questions you ask yourself afterward. I was in that situation — not as severe as Vinny’s — but I had all these casting directors and directors tell my agent, ‘Miles is a good actor, but it doesn’t make sense for the character to have scars,’ and then you start thinking, ‘Yeah.’ This career thing you always envisioned for yourself is kind of taken away from you. When [Vinny] is packing up his boxing posters — this thing that you love so much and thinking that it’s done — I felt that.”
YIKES! We cannot believe he went through this. We are glad that he has been able to get past this terrible accident and is having an incredible career in spite of the people who doubted him.
Can you believe this happened? Are you excited to see this movie? Tell us in the comments!
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