Nick Jonas has fully jumped on the Smilers bandwagon. The "Close" singer has been supporting his friend and ex-girlfriend Miley Cyrus' music on social media in recent weeks, and the release of her brand new song "Malibu" is no different.
RELATED: Nick Jonas Supports Miley Cyrus' Music In The Best Way
Just a few weeks ago he shared a screenshot of his music player playing Miley's "The Climb" and now he is sharing a screenshot on his Instagram story for "Malibu" giving it a "thumbs up" emoji in approval.
What is interesting about this is that Nick and Miley dated in the past and the "Wrecking Ball" singer has made it clear that her latest single was written about her current fiance Liam Hemsworth, who she also dated and got engaged to after her relationship with her fellow Disney Channel star.
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Nick then reportedly wrote the song "Wedding Bells" about Miley, asking her to not get married so that they could have another chance at love. "I don't want love unless it's you," the lyrics say. "I don't want to hear the wedding bells boom/ Then we can try one last time."
The song was never officially released but her performed it at a show, soon after the engagement happened saying writing this made him "uncomfortable."
Back in the day, the Jonas Brothers did not talk about their love lives to the press so they never talked about it, but it was pretty obvious they were dating to the world, especially when the Jo Bros opened up for her on her Best of Both Worlds tour and Miley was spotted kissing nick on the cheek on stage.
By the looks of it, if Nick supports "Malibu" it might be a clear indicator that he is totally over the relationship he had with Miley and that he fully supports her and Liam getting back together and getting married.
RELATED: Miley Cyrus Paints a Picture of Her Relationship With Liam Hemsworth in New Track "Malibu"
Or perhaps, he will reenact the song and interrupt the wedding whenever the big day comes around? Only time will tell.
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