"My Dad Thinks 'Zanessa' Is A Real Person!"
"The other day, my dad asked me 'Who is this Zanessa person?' Uh, dad — it's just Zac and Vanessa put together, duh!" — Riley, 13, Wentzville, MO
"My mom still hasn't figured out how to do voicemail on her cell, so every time she misses my call, I hear her voice say on the message: 'I'm trying to press the button…' Beeeep!" — Melissa, 14, Huber Heights, OH
"My parents can never get Joe and Nick Jonas straight, so they just call both guys JoNick." — Leanne, 14, Nokomis, FL…
Wow. Can mom and dad be any more clueless than that? Click here for more crazy tales!
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