Wednesday is a Tim Burton-produced Netflix series based on iconic Addams family character, Wednesday Addams, played by Jenna Ortega. Since the eight-episode series premiered in November 2022, Jenna’s performance of the dry, dark and obsessed-with-death iconic character has been heavily applauded — which has led many fans curious on the young actress. One thing that might be surprising to hear is how short the Disney alum is! Keep reading to uncover Jenna’s height.
“I’m 5-foot-1, or maybe a touch less,” the Stuck in the Middle Actress explained during a Wired autocomplete interview in November 2022. “But I think that’s what I am, that’s what I say.”
One specific photo of Jenna standing next to her Wednesday costar Gwendoline Christie at the show’s premiere had fans shocked over how short she is. For reference: Gwendoline is 6-foot-3.
“The height difference between Gwendoline Christie and Jenna Ortega is basically the height difference between me and essentially everyone I know,” wrote one user on Twitter. Another Twitter user wrote, “The height difference between Jenna Ortega and every other actor in #Wednesday is hilarious.”
Height aside, Jenna has spoken about the pressure of playing such an iconic character like Wednesday Addams since she first booked the role in multiple interviews.
“To step into the shoes of somebody who’s a bit more eccentric and frightening has been really exciting for me, and definitely a challenge — especially with such a beloved character, I really want to take care of her and do her justice,” Jenna told The Hollywood Reporter in January 2022 of Wednesday, nothing that fans have “never” seen this version of the character before. “I’ve never felt so much pressure on a job, and I’m trying to keep my cool.”
The reimagined version of The Addams Family is an eight-episode supernatural mystery series that follows Wednesday’s time attending Nevermore Academy as she masters her psychic abilities. At the same time, the spooky character is investigating a mysterious murderous spree that has reemerged after 25 years.
“I think it’s the scariest role I’ve ever done because I’ve never played such a character before,” Jenna told NYLON in January 2022. “She’s iconic and extremely cherished and valuable in the horror community. I really, really want to do her justice, but I also want her to be something new.”
Scroll through the gallery below to see photos of Jenna standing next to her (much taller!) costars.
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