Dancing With the Devil: The 7M TikTok Cult took over the internet last month after the documentary claimed that a popular dance group was tied to a religious cult.

One of the members from the organization, Miranda Derrick, has revealed that her life has been “put in danger” since the release of the series.

Keep reading to get a full breakdown on the dancer’s latest update. 

The popular TikTok creator is opening up about the backlash she’s faced since her family’s involvement in the series.

“Before this documentary, my husband and I, we felt safe. Now that this documentary is out, we feel like our lives have been put in danger,” Miranda explained to her Instagram followers on June 10, 2024.

“We have both been followed in our cars. We have received hate mail, death threats. People have been sending us messages to commit suicide. We’ve been stalked. Someone said that ‘If I see you on the street, I’m going to come and gut you. So you should get security.’ Someone also said that ‘If I see you walking on the sidewalk, I’m going to come and shove you in the trunk of my car.'”

In the HBO Max series, Miranda’s parents and sister Melanie Wilking were at the center of the documentary, pleading for her to leave the group. The family claimed that they had limited contact with her and felt that she was being controlled by the group’s leader, Robert Shinn. 

The documentary made allegations against Robert’s company 7M management, claiming that the group had ties to the controversial Shekinah Church.

However, according to Miranda, it wasn’t the organization that drove her away from her family.

“I have been getting together with my family for the past couple years privately to work on our relationship to make things right to mend what has been broken, and I’ve been loving it,” she said. “This documentary has made it very difficult to continue doing that and honestly, I think that my parents, my sister have focused so much on this documentary that they’ve forgotten about working on any relationship with me, and that hurts. That hurts me to say.”

Despite the negative attention she’s faced, Miranda further claimed that she eventually will return to posting her usual content.

“I see the light at the end of the tunnel, and I’m going to get back to posting and dancing and doing what I just absolutely love.”

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