Though Girl Meets World came to a close earlier this year, Sabrina Carpenter hasn’t taken a break in her multifaceted career. Since filming ended, she has been working a ton on her music, including her upcoming single “Why,” her new music video for “Thumbs,” and concerts across the U.S. and abroad. She has been opening up for The Vamps in Europe and is now gearing up for her very own tour.
Sabrina’s second headlining tour, after last year’s absolute success EVOLution, is titled The De-Tour. She will be joined on the road by opening acts Alex Aiono and New Hope Club. J-14 caught up with Sabrina at a The De-Tour rehearsal. In the exclusive interview below, the songstress gave us the insider’s scoop on her new music, her life on tour, what it was like to meet Beyoncé outside a bathroom, and her thoughts on fidget spinners.
Both tours are centered around one album, Evolution, but they are completely different shows with new surprises, staging, and production. Sabrina made a seriously quick transition from one headlining tour to the next. When her fans sold out every show the first time around, she decided that “They deserve it. I’m gonna go on another tour.”
We then spoke to Sabrina about her Wikipedia page — and she also EXCLUSIVELY confirmed and debunked rumors about her past. (Sadly, one involving Miranda Cosgrove turned out not to be true.)
But maybe most shockingly, Sabrina had no idea what a fidget spinner was until about a half hour before the interview. Though she didn’t really understand their purpose, she couldn’t stop playing with the toy once we handed it over to her. So we guess you can be instantly obsessed with fidget spinners, but still be a super successful singer and actress. AKA there’s still hope for us all.
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