Wednesday star Jenna Ortega has broadened her horizon and taken on a different kind of acting role than what she’s used to. Unfortunately for her, the Disney Channel alum’s latest film appears to have stirred up some controversy amongst fans. With an onslaught of negative reviews and backlash surrounding the plot of Miller’s Girl, fans are worried that the actress may of bitten off more than she could chew.
Keep reading to find out why her latest film Miller’s Girl is breaking records for all the wrong reasons.
What is the Movie ‘Miller’s Girl’ About?
The movie’s synopsis reads: “A talented young writer, Jenna Ortega, embarks on a creative odyssey when her teacher, Martin Freeman, assigns a project that entangles them both in an increasingly complex web,” per IMDB.
Jenna stars as 18-year-old Cairo Sweet, an icy and coldhearted student who comes from a wealthy yet absent family. The film’s main protagonist, Jonathan Miller (played by Martin), is a former writer-turned-professor, who feels unsatisfied with his mundane life and his marriage — making a complete recipe for disaster.
In summary, the film follows the all-too-familiar trope of a young girl who falls for her teacher — definitely a stray of genre for the former Disney star.
Why Is Jenna Ortega Facing Criticism for ‘Miller’s Girl’?
After screenings of the film were released, watchers rushed over to Rotten Tomatoes to share their thoughts on the film. As of January 26, 2024, Miller’s Girl currently holds a 27% rating from critics, making this Jenna’s lowest film score to date. However, Jenna isn’t the only actor plagued by the bad reviews, as the film also sits at the bottom of Martin’s list of works.
One of the biggest driving forces behind the controversy not only has to do with the plot, but the age difference between the two main actors. Jenna is 21 years old whereas her costar is 52. Once the trailer was released, viewers seemingly felt uncomfortable by the sexual tension between their characters.
One X user wrote, “I feel like she is too young for this role. Should’ve been an older woman that can pass as a college student. Kinda weird.” Another writer of the platform added, “He’s older than her actual dad.”
So far, Jenna nor Martin have responded publicly to the film’s negative reviews and feedback.
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