Days after Charli D’Amelio lookalike Ellie Zeiler was accused of impersonating the TikTok star, fans have come for again. This time they claimed that she was copying internet sensation Avani, but Ellie has shut these rumors down once and for all.
For those who missed it, Avani — who has gained more than 18 million followers on the video streaming app — first rose to fame when she uploaded a “clown check” video, which showed her wearing over-the-top makeup. Although it has been done by many other influencers before and after her, when Ellie uploaded a clip similar to Avani’s, some fans quickly started to accuse her of trying to be like the star.
“Now you trying to be Avani,” one fan commented, which seemed to have caught Ellie’s attention.
She quickly fired back, “Aha no. But she is the QUEEN of these types of videos.”
Previously, some people accused Ellie of making a fake Twitter account — with the username @charidamelio — where she pretended to be Charli. The account claimed to be Charli’s second Twitter, but when fans started to notice that the photos posted on the account were actually of Ellie, they started to believe that she was behind it and using it to trick fans.
“So we all know this girl Ellie Zeiler, who has gone viral recently for looking like Charli D’Amelio. Well, she created an account on Twitter pretending to be Charli,” a fan wrote in a viral TikTok video, explaining the situation. “Here’s one of the pictures she posted. If you look at one of Ellie’s TikToks, she has the same exact rings. She even likes her own posts.”
But according to Ellie, she had nothing to do with the fake account after all.
“My account is @elliezeiler1 not @elliezeilerr,” she wrote on Instagram. “Ask them for a face reveal please because it’s all fake. I’m sorry for having to comment like this but it has gone too far. That is not my real Twitter account. Please stop.”
The person behind the account later came forward and admitted that it was actually run by a fan and that they were only trying to have some fun.
“This account has never been run by Ellie Zeiler,” they said. “Please don’t give her s**t for something she has nothing to do with. It’s not Charli either.”
It has since been taken down.
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