Since Wednesday premiered on Netflix in November 2022, audiences have fallen in love with the cast of young and talented actors. From Jenna Ortega‘s outstanding performance as Wednesday Addams, or Hunter Doohan‘s portrayal as charming local barista Tyler Galpin, the relationships between characters in the murder mystery series are electric. So much so, that fans are wondering if any of the cast members are actually dating IRL. Keep reading to see which Wednesday cast members are taken, single or in some cases, married!
While Jenna, a.k.a. Wednesday, herself appears to be single right now, she has been romantically linked to a few young stars in the past. The Disney alum sparked dating rumors with Asher Angel in October 2018 after wearing matching Halloween costumes of Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson, who were in a relationship at the time. They also walked a few red carpets together but never spoke publicly about their relationship.
Additionally, Jenna was linked to Jacob Sartorius for a time after appearing in his music video for his song “Chapstick” in October 2017. “We’re really good friends and she’s really nice,” Jacob told J-14 at the time. “It was really fun to film the video. She’s really nice, so we had good chemistry on camera and off.”
However, the Stuck In the Middle actress cleared up all of her dating rumors on a podcast episode of “Just Between Us” in February 2019. When hosts Bailee Madison and Kaitlin Vilasuso asked the Disney star what the craziest thing she’s read about herself online was, she explained that it was the dating rumors that have truly shocked her.
“Probably relationships,” she said. “According to the internet, I dated like six guys, [but I] dated none of them.”
Another Wednesday cast member that has shocked fans with his love life is Hunter, who played Tyler. ICYMI, Hunter is a married man! Yep, you heard us right. The actor, 28, married Fielder Jewett in June 2022.
In an Instagram post from June 17, Hunter shared a photo of him and his husband on their wedding day. “Trying to sum up your wedding day in an Instagram caption is hard,” he wrote. “It was absolutely the best day of our lives! Thank you to everyone who made it so special!”
Scroll through the gallery below to see the cast of Wednesday’s dating histories, exes, and current partners.
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