On Wednesday, February 5, Shane Dawson took the internet by storm with his latest conspiracy theory video about tiny hidden cameras. Upon uploading the video, the YouTube star apologized to his fans because making this had “ruined his life.”
For those who missed it, the 29-minute video was all about how tiny hidden cameras could be anywhere and that they could be disguised as absolutely anything. To prove his point, Shane installed about 20 cameras in a hotel room and tricked his friends into coming to the motel.
The 31-year-old told fiancée Ryland Adams, Garrett Watts, Morgan Adams and Andrew Siwicki that a murder had been committed in the room and they were looking for clues. After the group of friends searched from top to bottom, Shane revealed the truth.
“I have a surprise,” he admitted. “We actually set up a lot of hidden camera in this room…I’ve been recording the entire time.”
The internet star went on to explain that there were actually mini hidden cameras inside various items in the room. Naturally, they freaked out and started looking for the cameras.
“Cameras, they’re everywhere, in computers, phones, street lights, public areas, shopping malls, stores. And it’s growing more invasive every year,” Shane explained to viewers. “You will find cameras in all different shapes and sizes, and you can get them all delivered to your house in less than 24 hours.”
He went on to say that cameras that look like alarm clocks, picture frames, power outlets, light switches, calculators, shower heads and other everyday items are being sold all the time. Cameras could be anywhere in public places and no one would notice, Shane also said.
Aside from the YouTuber’s friends, fans were also super freaked out after they watched the video.
“Shane Dawson‘s new conspiracy theories video about hidden cameras got me f**ked up,” one person wrote on Twitter. Another person added, “It’s terrifying to know there’s hidden cameras everywhere, but I’m glad I know now because I didn’t before. Scary s**t dude.”
A third fan said, “Shane Dawson’s new video got me checking all over my room for cameras.”
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