If you aren’t already, prepare to become obsessed with Snapchat’s hit original docuseries Endless. Originally called Endless Summer, the show is back for its third season — and fans cannot get enough!

The series stars influencers Summer Mckeen and Dylan Jordan, and it follows the aftermath of their emotional break-up, giving viewers an inside look at the next phase of their lives as they move to New York City. We had a chance to chat with Summer about the latest season, what went on behind-the-scenes and what it was really like to work with her ex-boyfriend — and boy, does it sound like it was intense!

J-14: So tell us about Season 3 of Endless! What’s it about in your own words? 

Summer Mckeen: This season is really about putting yourself out there and trying new things. We took on New York and all it has to throw at us. Throughout all of it, my ex boyfriend Dylan was there at the same time, which adds a bit more spice.

J-14: Just to clear things up for people who haven’t watched the show yet, is it based off of your real life? Is it a true story?

Summer: I like to say it’s a re-enactment of what has happened or what could happen in my life.

J-14: Is it ever nerve-wracking knowing that your real problems are going to be filmed for the whole world to see?

Summer: Definitely. It can be a little stressful sometimes seeing what people have to say about me, based on just seeing a couple episodes of the show. I have to switch my mentality to fully be able to put myself out there and just not care so much about what people have to say.

J-14: Any fun behind-the-scenes stories you can share from on set?

Summer: New York can be very, very cold, so for a good amount of the scenes filmed outside, we’re all freezing. I held hand warmers a lot of the time and pretended like I wasn’t colder than ever. The whole crew were major troopers for shooting outside as well.

Summer McKeen Exclusive Endless

J-14: What’s it like working with your ex?

Summer: It’s very familiar to be around each other, of course, but it’s also pretty odd. Being in this kind of situation with your ex is something you never really imagine happening.

J-14: Is it hard? Do you guys ever fight?

Summer: For me, it’s not hard and no, we don’t fight.

J-14: How did the idea for this show come about?

Summer: The producers approached me and wanted to create a show based on a young adult’s life who lives in Orange County! I seemed to fit that and we went from there!

Summer McKeen Exclusive Endless

J-14: I know you’re also pretty big on YouTube — who are some other YouTubers you’re watching at the moment?

Summer: Who I’m watching on YouTube changes a lot, but I have watched Cody Ko, Drew Gooden and Best dressed aka Ashley a lot. Very good content!

J-14: How do you come up with inspiration for your videos?

Summer: I live my life constantly looking at everything around me for inspiration. I try to listen to myself and my subscribers to find the perfect balance of what I’m inspired by and what they want to see to come up with my videos. It’s always different how a video idea comes about!

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