The Nickelodeon original series Knight Squad premiered in February 2018 and immediately became a hit! The show starred Daniella Perkins, Owen Joyner, Lilimar, Lexi DiBenedetto, Amarr M. Wooten and Savannah May, and it was all about a school for knights in training set in the kingdom of Astoria. The entire series followed Arc and Ciara as they trained with their fellow students and defended the kingdom from threats.
When chatting about her role with Seventeen in March 2018, Daniella called it a “dream come true.”
“I have all these amazing gowns that the costume and wardrobe people design for me to wear, and I get to be a mixed-race princess — that’s something that you hardly ever see [on TV]. It’s a lot of responsibility, but I feel so grateful for it,” she shared. “Growing up, I saw very few people who looked like me on TV, so with this role, I get to be a person that young people — especially if they’re Black or mixed — look up to. That, and the fact that I get to be a knight and a princess, shows girls that they can do anything. It’s just great to see a girl in charge and have power.”
While chatting with J-14 exclusively in February 2021, and spilled on where she thinks her character, Sage, would be today.
“From the last episode, they were basically made into knights, finally. That was always Sage’s main life goal, so I think right now she’s probably a very well experienced knight and would probably have a year or two under her belt by now,” the actress gushed. “I think we would probably see her [as] much more mature — I think she’s still wicked. I think she’s still bitter at some points. I think she’s still herself and still best friends with Buttercup. Now, she’s maybe a woman.”
After two seasons, the fan-favorite show came to its bittersweet end in 2019, but what has the cast been up to since then? Well, there doesn’t seem to be a reboot in the works just yet so J-14 decided to do some investigating, and it turns out, they’ve accomplished a lot over the last few years. Check out our gallery to find out what the cast of Knight Squad is up to now.
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