Ever since Sofia Carson made her Hollywood debut as Evie in the first Descendants film when it premiered on Disney Channel in 2015, fans have been obsessed with the actress. After 200 auditions while she was taking classes at UCLA, the actress booked her first role — “a small guest-starring role,” the starlet told Teen Vogue in February 2020 — on Austin & Ally and the rest is history.
“I moved to Los Angeles to go to UCLA. Education has always been a huge part of my life and for my parents. It was always the deal that they supported me unconditionally, however, I had to go to school and pursue my education. I’m so grateful for the opportunity to even go to college,” she told the publication. “I moved to L.A. myself and I was auditioning while I was in school. After class, I would run and audition once or twice a day. Or since I would often miss class, I would email my professor and be like, ‘I have this big audition. I’ll make up all my studies,’ et cetera. But they were always really understanding. I went on about 200 auditions before I got my first job.”
Now that she’s made a name for herself on the film scene, Sofia is gearing up to star alongside Nicholas Galitzine in the new romantic flick Purple Hearts. Not only will she star in the movie about “aspiring singer-songwriter Cassie and military man Luke, who in spite of their apparent differences, fall hopelessly in love,” according to Deadline, but Sofia is also set to write and perform the entire soundtrack! She’ll also be named an executive producer on the project.
The movie filmed in Summer 2021, and will eventually be released on Netflix, per a separate report from Deadline. “Here we go,” Sofia captioned an Instagram Stories post following the August 2021 announcement.
It’s true, Sofia has already had some experience in the music industry with the Descendants soundtrack and her solo music, but this is a whole other level. In March 2021, she released the single “Fool’s Gold” and, as expected, it’s a total bop!
To celebrate her epic accomplishments, J-14 decided to break down all of Sophia’s upcoming projects. Scroll through our gallery for all the details!
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